याङ्जाकोट सुन्दर पहाडी बस्ती हो । मादी गाउँपालिका–३, कास्कीका चार गाउँहरू डाँडागाउँ, देउराली, गैरीगाउँ र छापा गाउँलाई समग्रमा याङ्जाकोट (१४७५ मिटर) भनिन्छ । यहाँ गुरुङ, विक, परियार र क्षेत्रीका ३५० घर छन् ।
मादी गाउँपालिकाको केन्द्र पनि हो याङ्जाकोट । प्राकृतिक र सांस्कृतिक हिसाबले गाउँ समृद्ध छ । यहाँबाट अन्नपूर्ण, माछापुच्छे«, लमजुङ र गङ्गापूर्ण हिमालका दृश्य सुन्दर देखिन्छ । गाउँमा झ्याली पोखरी र कोट मन्दिर पनि छन् ।
याङ्जाकोट गुरुङ जातिको प्राचीन बस्ती । ऐतिहासिक थलो क्होंलसोंथरबाट गुरुङहरू बसाई सर्दै तल झरेपछि याङ्जाकोटमा बसे । तिनताका १ सय २० घरधुरीको बस्ती बसालिएको थियो । त्यसैले आसपासका गाउँलेहरू याङ्जाकोटलाई ६ बीसका नामबाट चिन्दथे ।
गुरुङ भाषामा योजक्वै अथवा यौंउजु नासा भनिए पनि खसकरण गरिएपछि गाउँलाई याङ्जाकोट भन्न थालियो । राम्रो उत्पादन हुने भएकाले यसलाई अन्न भण्डार मानिन्छ ।
गाउँमा वि.सं. २०६८ देखि होमस्टे शुभारम्भ गरिएको हो । अहिले गुरुङका १० घरमा १५० बेड सुविधा छ । होमस्टेमा मिठो खाना र आत्मीय व्यवहार पाइन्छ । पाहुनाको मागअनुसार साँझ कृष्णचरित्र, सोरठी, घाटु र पञ्चै बाजाको स्वाद चखाइन्छ ।
गाउँ पर्यटन प्रवद्र्धन मञ्च (भिटोफ) नेपालले ताङतिङ र याङ्जाकोट जोडेर होमस्टे टे«लको अवधारणा अघि बढाएको छ ।
कम्बल, झोला, नारेपा, लोकल कुखुरा, निगुरो, टुसालगायत मौसमी तरकारी याङ्जाकोटका कोसेली ।
कसरी पुग्ने: काठमाडौं–पोखरा २०० कि.मि. । पोखराको अमरसिंहचोकबाट काहुँखोला ट्याक्सीमा १० मिनेट । काहुँखोला–याङ्जाकोट १७ कि.मि. । काहुँखोलाबाट गाउँ जाने गाडी छुट्छन् ।
डिनर, बेड र ब्रेकफास्टको १००० रुपैयाँ ।
Yangjakot (1,475 m) is a beautiful hill station. The four villages Dandagaun, Deurali, Garigaun and Chhapa of Madi rural municipality -3 of Kaski district are collectively called Yangjakot. There are 350 houses of Gurung, Bishwakarma, Pariyar and Kshatriya communities are in the village.
Yangjakot is also the administrative center of Madi village municipality. The village is naturally and culturally prosperous. From the village Annapurna, Machhapuchhre, Lamjung and Gangapurna mountains views is mesmerizing . The village also has a Jhyali pond and a Kot temple.
Yangjakot is an ancient settlement of Gurung communities. After Gurungs migration from the historical place of Kholsonthar, they settled down and settled in Yangjakot. A settlement of 120 households was established long ago. Therefore the surrounding villagers called Yangjakot by the name of 6 twenty.
In Gurung language it was called Yojakwai or Yaunju Nasa, but later it was called Yangjakot. Because of its good yield, it is known as grain store house.
Homestay has been started in the village since 2012. At present village has 150 beds in 10 Gurung homes. Homestay offers organic food and good hospitality. Cultural dances like Krishna Charitra, Sorathi, Ghatu and Panchai Baja are performed in the evening as per the guests demand.
Village Tourism Promotion Forum (VTOF) Nepal has put forward the concept of Homestay Tail by connecting Tangting and Yangjakot villages.
Seasonal vegetables including blankets, bags, narepa, local chicken, fiddlehead fern (niguro), bamboo shoots etc. are souvenir of Yangjyakot.
How to reach : Kathmandu-Pokhara is 200 km. It takes10 minutes by taxi from Amar Singh Chowk, Pokhara to Kahunkhola. Kahunkhola-Yangjakot is 17 km. Vehicles heading to the village leaves from Kahunkhola.
Dinner, bed and breakfast costs Nrs 1000.
याङ्जाकोट सामुदायिक होमस्टे
याङ्जाकोट, कास्की
नारायण गुरुङ–९८१६६६८८३१
रोशन गुरुङ–९८१७५५६९६१
Yangjakot Community Homestay
Yangjakot, Kaski
Narayan Gurung-9816668831
Roshan Gurung-9817556961