Suntalabari गाउँ

सुन्तला गाउँको चिनारी बनाएको छ खाल्टे (१,१८५ मिटर) गाउँले । वालिङ नगरपालिका–४, स्याङ्जामा पर्ने गाउँमा गुरुङ र बाहुनका ३६ घर छन् । दक्षिण फर्केको गाउँमा ढिलोसम्म घाम लाग्छ । यस्तो हावापानीमा सुन्तला गुलियो हुन्छ । सुन्तलै सुन्तलाको बगैँचाले भरिएकाले गाउँको नाम नै सुन्तलाबारी ।
सुन्तलाबारीमा हेर्ने र रमाउने धेरै कुरा छन् । गाउँको सेरोफेरोमा बुढाकोट, कुबेर दोङ भ्यु टावर, मनकामना, कान्छी मनकामना, गुफा र झरना छन् । गाउँबाट एक घण्टा पदयात्रामा पुगिने बुढाकोटबाट धौलागिरि र अन्नपूर्ण हिमशृङ्खला छर्लङ्ग देखिन्छन् । गाउँको पुछारमा रहेको झरनामा साहसिक खेल क्यानोनिङ गराइन्छ । गाउँमा हरेक वर्ष सुन्तला र क्यानोनिङ महोत्सव गरिन्छ ।
वैदेशिक रोजगार, कृषि र पर्यटन गाउँलेको आम्दानीको मुख्य आधार हुन् । ग्रामीण पर्यटनबाट समृद्धिका पाइला चाल्न यहाँ वि.सं. २०६९ देखि होमस्टे गराउन थालिएको छ । अचेल गाउँमा गुरुङ र बाहुनका १५ घरमा ४० बेड सुविधा छ । पाहुनालाई रैथाने परिकार खुवाउनुका साथै मौलिक संस्कृतिको स्वाद चखाइन्छ ।
पाहुनाको मागअनुसार कौरा, झ्याउरे र सोरठी नाच देखाइन्छ । गाउँलेहरू मन खोलेर पाहुनाको स्वागत गर्छन् ।
बाँसबाट बनाइएका हस्तकला, सुन्तला, घिउ, मह र मौसमी तरकारी सुन्तलाबारीका कोसेली ।

कसरी पुग्ने: काठमाडौँ–पोखरा २०० कि.मि., बसमा ६ घण्टा अथवा हवाई यात्रा २५ मिनेट । पोखराबाट ५७ कि.मि.मा सिद्धार्थ राजमार्गको त्रियासी । त्रियासीबाट पूर्व ८ कि.मि.मा खाल्टे गाउँ ।

डिनर, बेड र ब्रेकफास्टको ११ सय रुपैयाँ ।

The village of Khalte (1,185 m) has been identified as the orange village. There are 36 houses of Gurungs and Brahmins communities in the village of Waling Municipality-4, Syangja District. The village facing towards south receives late sun light. The climate is favorable for orange sweetness. The village is called Suntalabari as it is full of orange orchards.
There are many attraction sites to enjoy in the Suntalabari including Budhakot, Kuber Dong View Tower, Manakamana, Kanchi Manakamana, cave and waterfall in the village. Dhaulagiri and Annapurna mountain ranges are clearly visible from Budhakot, which is an hour walk from the village.
Adventure sports like canyoning is being organized at waterfall which lies at the bottom of the village. The Orange and Canyoning Festival is held every year.
Foreign employment, agriculture and tourism are the main sources of income for the villagers. Taking a step towards prosperity through rural tourism, homestay has been started here since 2013. At present, there are 40 beds in 15 houses of Gurungs and Brahmins communities in the village. The guests are served with local dishes with traditional taste. Kaura, Jhaure and Sorathi dances are performed according to guests requirement. The guests are welcome with an open heart.
Handicrafts made from bamboo, oranges, ghee, honey and seasonal vegetables are souvenir of the village. Kathmandu-Pokhara 200 km, 6 hours by bus or 25 minutes by air. 57 km from Pokhara to Triyasi along the Siddhartha highway. Khalte village is 8 km east of Triyasi.

How to reach :Kathmandu-Pokhara 200 km, 6 hours by bus or 25 minutes by air. 57 km from Pokhara to Triyasi along the Siddhartha highway. Khalte village is 8 km east of Triyasi.

Nrs. 1100 for dinner, bed and breakfast.


सुन्तलाबारी सामुदायिक होमस्टे
सुन्तलाबारी, स्याङ्जा
डिलविक्रम गुरुङ–९८१७१००५५६
मोहनीलाल खनाल–९८४१२८७३२१


Suntalabari Community Homestay
Suntalabari, Syangja
Dilbikram Gurung-9817100556
Mohanilal Khanal-9841287321