गुरुङ संस्कृतिको खुला पाठशाला मानिन्छ लमजुङको पसगाउँ । क्होलासोंथर गाउँपालिका–६ मा अवस्थित गाउँ(१६५० मिटर)मा गुरुङ, भुजेल र दलितका १६७ घर छन् । सफा र कोमल हृदयका छन् गाउँलेहरू ।
गुरुङ भाषामा पसगाउँलाई ‘पैकों नासा’ भनिन्छ । ‘पै’को अर्थ फलाम र ‘कों’ अर्थ डाँडा । गाउँमा गुरुङ जीवनशैली अध्ययन गर्न सकिन्छ । परम्परागत बस्ती, खेतीपाती, ढिकीजाँतो, मेलापर्मबाट धेरै कुरा बुझ्न सकिन्छ ।
प्राकृतिक हिसाबले समेत गाउँ सुन्दर छ । नागबेली डाँडा, हरियाली वातावरण र शीतल बतास । गाउँको सिरानमा उभिएको क्होम्रे डाँडाबाट माछापुच्छ्रे, मनास्लु र लमजुङ हिमशृङ्खला देखिन्छन् । साथै करापुटार, भोर्लेटार, पोल्याङटार र रम्घाटारसहित क्षितिजमा देखिने देउचुली र ब्रम्हचुलीले मोहनी लगाउँछन् ।
गाउँमा नरसिंह बाजाको आवाज निस्कने एउटा ढुङ्गा पनि छ । यहाँको सामुदायिक वनमा मृग, भालु, चितुवालगायत जङ्गली जनावर र तित्रा, कालिजजस्ता पन्छी पाइन्छन् ।
गाउँलेको आम्दानीको मुख्य आधार वैदेशिक रोजगारी र कृषि हो । यहाँ धान, मकै, कोदो र कागुनो उत्पादन हुनुका साथै गाई, भैँसी, भेडा, बाख्रा र कुखुरा पालन गरिन्छ ।
गाउँमा वि.सं २०६७ सालदेखि सामुदायिक होमस्टे सञ्चालनमा छ । यहाँका २३ घरमा सय जना बास बस्न सक्छन् । साँझ घाटु, कृष्णचरित्र र झ्याउरे नृत्यको रमझम हुन्छ ।
अलैँची, चियापत्ती, भाङ्ग्रा, अल्लोको स्टकोट, काठको ठेकी, घिउ, मह, रातो चामल, आलु आदि पसगाउँका कोसेली ।
कसरी पुग्ने ः पोखरा–पसगाउँ ५२ कि.मि । पोखराको अमरसिंह चोकबाट पसगाउँ जाने बस छुट्छन् । बेसीसहर–मालिङ–पसगाउँ ४४ कि.मि., बेसीसहरबाट गाडी चल्छन् । त्यस्तै घलेगाउँबाट ५ घण्टा पदयात्रामा पसगाउँ ।
लन्च, डिनर, बेड र ब्रेकफास्टको १००० रुपैयाँ ।
Pasgaun of Lamjung district is considered to be an open school of Gurung culture. There are 167 houses of Gurung, Bhujel and Dalit communities in the village (1650 m) located in Kholasonthar Rural Municipality-6. The villagers are clean and tender-hearted.
Pasgaun is called ‘Pakon Nasa’ meaning ‘Pai’ means iron and ‘ko’ means hill in Gurung language. Gurung lifestyle can be studied in the village including traditional settlements, agriculture, traditional thresh mill etc.
The village is naturally beautiful with serpentine hill, green environment and cool wind. Machhapuchhre, Manaslu and Lamjung mountain ranges can be seen from Khomre hill situated at the village top. Deuchuli and Bramhachuli can be seen on the horizon including Karaputar, Bhorletar, Polyangtar and Ramghatar which are fascinating.
here lies a rock in the village that makes the sound of Narasimha Baja. The community forest is homeland to deer, bears, leopards, and other wild animals, as well as birds such as partridges and pheasants.
The main source of income of the villagers is foreign employment and agriculture. Paddy, maize, millet and cashew nuts are produced here while cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats and chickens are reared as animal husbandry.
The community homestay has been operating in the village since 2010. The 23 houses here can accommodate 100 people overnight. In the evening, Ghantu, Krishna Charitra and Jhyaure dances are performed.
Cardamom, tea leaves, bhangra, hemp clothes, wood theki, ghee, honey, red rice, potatoes etc can be taken as souvenir.
How to reach: Pokhara-Pasgaun is 52 km. The bus for Pasgaun leaves from Amar Singh Chowk in Pokhara. Besisahar-Maling-Pasgaun is 44 km from Besisahar. Similarly, it takes 5 hours walks from Ghalegaon.
Rs.1000 for lunch, dinner, bed and breakfast.
पसगाउँ सामुदायिक होमस्टे
पसगाउँ, लमजुङ
बलराम गुरुङ– ९८४६९३५६६०
पदमबहादुर गुरुङ– ९८४५५५२५१५
Pasgaun Community Homestay
Pasgaun, Lamjung
Balram Gurung- 9846935660
Padma Bahadur Gurung- 9845552515