Bhadaure गाउँ

जैविक विविधताको भण्डार एवं पावन धाम पञ्चासेको प्रवेशद्वार हो भदौरे गाउँ (१६६५ मिटर) । अन्नपूर्ण गाउँपालिका–४, कास्कीमा अवस्थित गाउँमा गुरुङ, बाहुन र दलित समुदायका दुई सय घर छन् । भदौरे घुम्नलायक गन्तव्य हो ।
गुरुङ संस्कृति, हिमालय दर्शन, जङ्गल भ्रमण र ग्रामीण जीवनशैली यहाँका विशेषता हुन् । यहाँबाट अन्नपूर्ण, माछापुच्छ्रे र धौलागिरि हिमशृङ्खला देखिन्छ । वरपरका जङ्गलमा थरीथरीका चरा, सुनाखरी, जडीबुटी र जङ्गली जनावर पाइन्छ ।
यहाँबाट ३ घण्टा पदयात्रामा पञ्चासे पुगिन्छ । योग तथा ध्यानका लागि समेत यो ठाउँ उपयुक्त छ । यहाँ सङ्ग्रहालय, ट्राउट फार्म र झरनालगायत सम्पदा छन् ।
ंभदौरे क्षेत्रमा तीन वटा सामुदायिक होमस्टे सञ्चालित छन् । वि.सं. २०६८ देखि सञ्चालित भदौरे गाउँको ‘गुरुङ सामुदायिक होमस्टे’का १० घरमा ४० जना बास बस्न सक्छन् । त्यस्तै वि. सं. २०६९ मा तालिवराङमा शुभारम्भ गरिएको ‘तमु ह्युला सामुदायिक होमस्टे’का १४ घरमा ८० जना अटाउँछन् । र, वि. सं. २०७५ मा सुरु गरिएको देउरालीको ‘पञ्चासे सामुदायिक होमस्टे’मा ४० बेड क्षमता छ ।
मनकारी छन् गाउँले । भान्छामा अर्गानिक परिकार पकाउँछन् । साँझ झ्याउरे, रोधी र लोकदोहोरीबाट मनोरञ्जन गराउँछन् ।
भाङ्ग्रा, चोयाबाट बनेका सामान, लोकल रक्सी, झिलिङ्गा, ट्राउट माछा, निगुरो, च्याउ, मह र सागसब्जी भदौरेका कोसेली ।

कसरी पुग्ने ः  काठमाडौँ–पोखरा २०० कि.मि, बसमा ६ घण्टा अथवा २५ मिनेट हवाई यात्रा । पोखरा–नाउडाँडा–भदौरे ३० कि.मि.। पोखराको हरिचोकबाट चल्छन् भदौरे जाने बस तथा जिप ।

ब्रेकफास्ट, लन्च, डिनर र बेडको १००० रुपैयाँ ।


Bhadaure village (1665 m) is the gateway to Panchase, a center of biodiversity. There are 200 houses of Gurung, Bahun and Dalit communities in the village located in Annapurna Rural Municipality-4, Kaski district. Bhadaure is a beautiful tourist destination worth visiting.
Gurung culture, Himalayan views, jungle trekking and rural lifestyle are the special attraction of the village. Annapurna, Machhapuchchhre and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges can be seen from here. The surrounding forests are home to a variety of birds, sunflowers, herbs and wild animals.

It takes 3 hours to reach Panchase from the village. This place is also suitable for yoga and meditation. There are museums, trout farms and waterfalls.

There are three community homestays in Bhadaure area. Gurung Community Homestay started operating since 2011 in Bhadaure village. It can accommodate 40 people in 10 houses per day.

Similarly Tamu Hyula Community Homestay was launched in Taliwarang in 2012. It  can accommodates 80 people in 14 houses. And Deurali Panchase community homestay was launched in 2018 that has 40 beds a capacity.

The villagers are generous. They cook organic dishes in the kitchen. In the evenings guests are entertained by Jhyaure, Rodhi and Lok Dohori.

Products made from bhangra and bamboo including local liquor, jhilinga, trout fish, fiddle head fern, mushrooms, honey and vegetables are souvenirs of the village.

How to reach: Kathmandu-Pokhara is 200 km reachable in 6 hours by bus or 25 minutes by air. Pokhara-Naudanda-Bhadaure is 30 km. Buses and jeeps area available from Harichowk in Pokhara to Bhadaure.

Nrs. 1000 for breakfast, lunch, dinner and bed.


गुरुङ सामुदायिक होमस्टे | रुपेश गुरुङ–९८०६५१०१५३
देउराली पञ्चासे तमु सामुदायिक होमस्टे | आइता गुरुङ–९८१७१७७४१
तमु ह्युला सामुदायिक होमस्टे | तारा गुरुङ–९८४६८५७९८३
भदौरे, कास्की


Gurung Community Homestay | Rupesh Gurung- 9806510153
Deurali Panchase Tamu Community Homestay | Aita Gurung- 981717741
Tamu Hyula Community Homestay | Tara Gurung-9846857983
Bhadaure, Kaski