गोरखा, मनकामना मन्दिरको पूर्वी काखमा छ बेतिनी गाउँ । लखन थापा गाउँपालिका–२ मा मगर, गुरुङ र दलित समुदायका १३० घर छन् । कृषि कर्ममा बाँचेको छ गाउँ ।
बेतिनी पर्यटकीय गन्तव्यका रुपमा विकास हुँदैछ । यहाँका मुख्य आकर्षण मनकामना मन्दिर, बक्रेश्वरी, भ्यु टावर, सल्लाघारी, ग्रामीण जीवनशैली र मौलिक संस्कृति हुन् ।
डाँडा (१,५०० मिटर)मा बनाइएको छ प्यागोडा शैलीको मनकामना । हिन्दू धर्मावलम्बी मनकामनालाई शक्तिपीठ मान्छन् । त्यसैले मन्दिरमा वर्षैभरि चहलपहल हुन्छ । मनोकामना पु¥याइदिने यी देवीलाई पञ्चबली दिइन्छ ।
प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्यका हिसाबले समेत मनकामना क्षेत्र सुन्दर छ । नजिकैको थान डाँडाबाट सूर्योदयको दर्शन पाइन्छ । डाँडाबाट मनास्लु, अन्नपूर्णा, लाङटाङ र लमजुङ हिमाल नजिकै देखिन्छ । बेतिनीबाट पनि झलमल्ल देखिन्छ ।
मनकामनामा दर्जनौं होटल तथा खाजाघर छन् । बेतिनीमा भने वि.सं. २०६९ देखि सामुदायिक होमस्टे सञ्चालनमा छ । मगर र गुरुङका ११ घरमा पाहुनालाई राखिन्छ, जहाँ एकै पटक ३० जना बास बस्न सक्छन् । त्यस्तै पाहुनाको मागअनुसार चुड्का, दोहोरी र सोरठी आदि सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम देखाइन्छ ।
पैसा राख्ने थैली, खुर्पेटो, घिउ, मह, सुन्तलालगायतका मौसमी फलफूल र तरकारी बेतिनीका कोसेली ।
कसरी पुग्ने: काठमाडौंबाट पृथ्वी राजमार्ग हुँदै कुरिनटार १०४ कि.मि., बसमा ३ घण्टा । कुरिनटार–मनकामना २.८ कि.मि., केबलकारमा १० मिनेट । केबलकारबाट ओर्लेर ५ मिनेट हिँडे मनकामना । अथवा काठमाडौं–मुगलिन ११० कि.मि., बसमा ३ घण्टा । मुगलिनबाट त्रिवेणीमाई मन्दिर हुँदै मनकामना १३.५ कि.मि. । मनकामनाबाट ३ कि.मि.मा बेतिनी गाउँ ।
डिनर, बेड र ब्रेकफास्टको ८०० रुपैयाँ ।
Betini village lies towards eastern lap of Mankamana temple. There are 130 households of Magar, Gurung and Dalit communities in Lakhan Thapa rural municipality-2, Gorkha district. The village is dependant on agriculture farming.
The village is being developed as a tourism destination. Mankamana temple, Bakreshwori, view tower, sallaghari, rural lifestyle and traditional cultures are main attractions of the village.
Manakaman temple is situated at an elevation of 1500 meter built in Pagoda-style. Hindu devotees worships the temple as goddess of power. The temple is busttling throughout the year. Sacrifices are offered to goddess and devotees worshiped as fulfillment of their wishes.
The region is naturally beautiful from where sunrise can be observed nearby than. From the hilltop Himalayan ranges of Manaslu, Annpurna, Langtang and Lamjung is witnessed at close view.
There are dozens of hotel and restaurants in Manakamana. The community homestay came into operation since 2012 in Betini. There are 11 houses of Gurung and Magar communities where 30 guests can be hosted at a time.
As per guests preferences cultural programs of Chudka, Dohori and Sorothi are performed in the evening.
Traditional purse, khurpeto, ghee, honey, oranges and seasonal vegetables can be taken as souvenir from Betini.
How to reach : Kathmnadu to Kurintar along Prithivi Highway is 104 km, it takes 3 hour on Bus ride. Kurintar to Mankamana is 2.8 km, 10 minutes on cable car. 5 minute walking distance from cable car station. Or Kathmandu to Mugling is 110 km, 3 hours on Bus ride. 13.5 km to Manakamana via Triveni mai temple. The distance between Manakamana to Betini village is 3 k.m.
Dinner,bed and breakfast cost Nrs. 800.
बेतिनी सामुदायिक होमस्टे
बेतिनी, गोरखा
लीलबहादुर राना–९८४६०८९३९९
एकबहादुर थापा–९८०११९७९९५
Betini Community Homestay
Betini, Gorkha
Lilbahadur Rana- 9846089399
Ekbahadur Thapa- 9801197995