Dedgaun गाउँ

डेढ गाउँ
दराई संस्कृतिको अनुपम भण्डार–डेढ गाउँ । नवलपुर जिल्लाको बौदीकाली गाउँपालिका–२ मा अवस्थित डेढ गाउँमा दराई, मगर, नेवार, बाहुन, क्षेत्री र दलितका करिब ९ सय घर छन् । तिनमा सय घर दराईका ।
दराई समुदायको जीवनशैली, संस्कार एवं संस्कृति र अर्गानिक खाना यहाँका प्रमुख आकर्षण हुन् । गाउँबाट १५ मिनेट पदयात्रामा अकला मन्दिर र अकला गुफा पुगिन्छ भने १० मिनेटमा प्रसिद्ध धार्मिक तीर्थ वाल्मीकि आश्रम । गाउँ नजिकै एउटा झरना पनि छ । गाउँबाट करिब १ घण्टा उकालो चढेमा रकुवा भ्यु टावर पुगिन्छ, जहाँबाट हिमाली सौन्दर्य र नागबेली कालीगण्डकीका दृश्य देखिन्छ । टावरसम्मै गाडीमा जान पनि सकिन्छ ।
गाउँलेको आम्दानीको मुख्य आधार कृषि हो । यहाँ धान, मकै, गहुँ, आलु, काउलीलगायत अन्न र तरकारी उत्पादन गरिन्छ ।
डेढ गाउँमा वि.सं. २०७५ पुस २९ गतेदेखि सामुदायिक होमस्टे सञ्चालन हुँदै आएको छ । दराई समुदायका ५ घरमा २५ जना बास बस्न सक्छन् । उनीहरू न्यानो सत्कारसहित पाहुनालाई खानपिन गराउँछन् ।
साँझ पाहुनाको मागअनुसार कौरा, झ्याउरे र सोराही नाचगान गरिन्छ । पितृ विर्सजन गर्ने बेलामा नाचिने सोराही नाच पर्यटन प्रोडक्ट बनेको छ ।
गुन्द्रुक, भटमास, आलु, गुँदको गुन्द्री, घिउ, अनदीको चामल र मौसमी तरकारी डेढगाउँका कोसेली ।

कसरी पुग्ने ः  काठमाडैँं–दमौली–खैरेनीटार–१७५ कि.मि, बसमा ५ घण्टा । पोखरा–खैरेनीटार २५ कि.मि. । खैरेनीटार–भिमाद–डेढ गाउँ ३१ कि.मि. । पोखराबाट छुट्छन् डेढ गाउँका लागि बस र जिप । अर्को रुट काठमाडौं–नारायणगढ–कावासोती १५६ कि.मि. । कावासोतीबाट उत्तर ५५ कि.मि.मा डेढ गाउँ ।

लन्च, डिनर, बेड र ब्रेकफास्टको ११०० रुपैयाँ ।


Dedgaun village is an unique treasure of Darai culture . There are about 900 houses of Darai, Magar, Newar, Bahun, Chhetri and Dalit communities in Dedgaun villages located in Baudikali Rural Municipality-2 of Nawalpur district. There are hundred houses of Darai community alone.

The main attractions of the village are the lifestyle, culture of the Darai community and organic food. The Akala Temple and Akala Cave are 15-minute walk from the village and the famous religious shrine of Balmiki Ashram is reachable 10 minutes. There is also a waterfall near the village.

About an hour uphill drive from the village leads to the Rakuwa View Tower, which offers views of the Himalayan beauty and Serpentine Kaligandaki. One can also drive to the tower.

Agriculture is the main source of income for the villagers. Grains including paddy, maize, wheat, potato and cauliflower  are  produced.

Community Homestay has been operating since 2018. Homestay can accommodate 25 people in 5 houses. The guests are treated with warm hospitality.

In the evening Kaura, Jhyaure and Sorahi dances are performed as per the demand of the guests. Sorahi dance, performs observing to forget one’s ancestors has become a tourism product.

Gundruk, Soybean, Potato, Gundko Gundri, Ghee, Anadi Rice and Seasonal Vegetables are souvenir of the village.

How to reach: Kathmandu-Damauli-Khairenitar is 175 km takes 5 hours by bus. Pokhara-Khairenitar is 25 km. Khairenitar-Bhimad-Dedhgaon 31 km. Buses and jeeps are available from Pokhara for Dedhgaon. Another route is Kathmandu-Narayangarh-Kawasoti is 156 km. Dedhgaon is 55 km north of Kawasoti.

NRs 1,100 for lunch, dinner, bed and breakfast.


दराई सामुदायिक होमस्टे
डेढ गाउँ, नवलपुर
कमल दराई– ९८१५१६१७९४
वीरबहादुर बिक– ९८१४१५६५८८


Darai Community Homestay
Dedhgaon, Nawalpur
Kamal Darai- 9815161794
Bir Bahadur BK- 9814156588