डाँडाको थाप्लोमा झुरुप्प बस्ती । ढुङ्गा र माटोबाट बनेका घरहरू । टिनले छाइएका रङ्गिन छाना । पृष्ठभूमिमा झलमल्ल हिमाल । मुलुककै पहिलो स्मार्ट भिलेज–घलेगाउँ (२,०७० मिटर) ।
लमजुङ जिल्ला, क्होंलासोंथर गाउँपालिका–३ को रमणीय बस्ती । गाउँमा गुरुङ, घले र दलितका १२५ घर छन् । गुरुङ संस्कृति, हिमाली दृश्य, आत्मीय व्यवहार र मीठो खानाका लागि प्रख्यात गाउँ । गाउँको स्वच्छ वातावरणमा तन र मन रिचार्ज हुन्छ । ऊर्जा बढ्छ ।
प्रकृति र संस्कृतिको सङ्गम–घलेगाउँ । गाउँबाट माछापुच्छे«, अन्नपूर्ण दोस्रो, बुद्ध, हिमालचुली, लमजुङ, डा. हर्क गुरुङ पिक र मनास्लुलगायत हिमाल छर्लङ्ग देखिन्छन् । त्यहाँबाट देखिने सूर्योदय र सूर्यास्तको दृश्यले पनि मोहित बनाउँछ । पुस–माघमा गाउँमा हिउँ पनि पर्छ ।
घलेगाउँमा घुम्नलायक चियाबारी, गुरुङ सङ्ग्रहालय, भ्युटावर, उत्तरकन्या मन्दिर, कोइवो धिँ लगायत सम्पदा छन् । त्यस्तै छिमेकी गाउँहरू घनपोखरा, भुजुङ र बागलुङपानीमा हाइकिङ गर्न मिल्छ ।
घलेगाउँलाई विसं २०७६ मङ्सिर १७ गते स्मार्ट भिलेज घोषणा गरिएको छ । गाउँमा सडक, विद्यालय, खानेपानी, बिजुली, टेलिफोन, इन्टरनेट, होटल, होमस्टेलगायत आधारभूत सुविधा छ ।
घलेगाउँमा विसं २०५६ चैत २० गतेदेखि होमस्टे सुविधासहित ग्रामीण पर्यटनको अभ्यास गरिएको हो । अचेल गाउँका ३७ घर (गुरुङका ३५ र दलितका २ घर)मा होमस्टे गराइन्छ । होमस्टेमा २१५ बेड छ । गाउँमा २ वटा होटल पनि छन् ।
लोकल चिया, मह, गुन्द्रुक, राडीपाखी र मौसमी तरकारी घलेगाउँका कोसेली ।
कसरी पुग्ने: काठमाडौं–बेंसीसहर १७२ कि.मि., बसमा ५ घन्टा । अथवा काठमाडौं–पोखरा २५ मिनेट हवाई यात्रा । पोखरा–वेशिसहर ११० कि.मि. । बेंसीसहर–घलेगाउँ २४ कि.मि., जीपमा दुई घन्टा ।
डिनर, बेड र ब्रेकफास्टको ९०० रुपैयाँ ।
A closely-knitted village on a hilltop. The houses are made of stone and mud with colorful tin roof. The village with glistening mountains in the backdrop. Situated at an elevation of 2070 m from sea level, Ghalegaun is is first smart village of Nepal.
It is delightful village in Kholasonthar Rural Municipality-3, Lamjung district. There are 125 household of Gurungs, Ghales and Dalits in the village. A village is famous for Gurung culture, mountain scenery, intimate hospitality and delicious food. Body and mind are energized with clean environment of the village.
It is confluence of both nature and culture. Machhapuchhre, Annapurna II, Buddha, Himalchuli, Lamjung, Dr. Hark Gurung Peak and Manaslu and other snow-clad mountains are clearly visible from the village. Sunrise and sunset view from village are fascinating.
There is snowfall in the village during January and February.
Ghalegaun has Tea farm, Gurung Museum, View Tower, Uttarkanya Temple, Koibo Dhi and other heritages which are worth visiting. Neighboring villages like Ghanpokhara, Bhujung and Baglungpani can also be hiked at short distances.
Ghalegaun has been declared as Smart Village on December 3, 2019. The village has basic facilities including roads, schools, drinking water, electricity, telephone, internet, hotel and homestay.
Rural tourism with homestay facility has been started since April 2, 2000. At present, home stay is provided with 215 beds in 37 houses (35 in Gurung and 2 in Dalit homes). There are also two lodges in the village.
Local tea, honey, gundruk, radipakhi and seasonal vegetables are souvenirs from Ghalegaon.
How to reach : Kathmandu-Bensishahar 172 km, 5 hours by bus. Or Kathmandu-Pokhara 25 minute flight. Pokhara-Benshishahar 110 km. Bensisahar-Ghalegaun 24 km.
Nrs 900 for dinner, bed and breakfast.
पर्यटन व्यवस्थापन समिति
घलेगाउँ, लमजुङ
प्रेम घले–९८५६०४५०१२
दीर्घ घले–९८४६१९३०६७
Tourism Management Committee
Ghalegaon, Lamjung
Prem Ghale -9856045012
Dirgha Ghale¬- 9846193067