मगर भाषाको ‘पस्लाङ’ शब्दको अर्थ हुन्छ–लुकेको गाउँ । गोरखा नगरपालिका–५ मा पर्ने पस्लाङ (१,२०० मिटर)मा मगर, नेवार, बाहुन, क्षेत्री, शाही र दलित समुदायका ८० घर छन् । तिनमा ३० घर मगरका मात्र हुन् ।
नेपाल एकीकरणका नायक राजा पृथ्वीनारायण शाहको गोरखा दरबारको फेदीमा छ बस्ती । यहाँ बसेर गोरखकाली मन्दिर, दरबार, सङ्ग्रहालय र गोरखा बजार घुम्न सजिलो हुन्छ । गाउँबाट एक घण्टा हिँडेमा गोरखकालीमा पुगिन्छ ।
यहाँ स्वच्छ हावापानी पाइन्छ । गाउँबाट अन्नपूर्ण, मनास्लु र बुद्धलगायतका हिमाल देखिन्छन् । गाउँमुन्तिरको दरौंदी फाँट पनि रमणीय छ । त्यसबाहेक गाउँमा चौबिसे राज्यकालमा राजारजौटा भेला हुने ठाउँ, द्रब्य शाहको चौतारो, भ्यु टावर, चिल्डे«न पार्क, खड्गदेवी, नामरुन र पश्चिमकाली मन्दिर छन् ।
गोरखा उद्योग वाणिज्य संघको सहयोगमा वि.सं. २०६९ असार १२ गतेदेखि गाउँमा होमस्टे शुभारम्भ गरिएको हो । अचेल गाउँका १८ घरमा ६० बेड सुविधा छ । पाहुनालाई हार्दिकतापूर्वक स्वागत गरेर मिठो खाना खुवाइन्छ । उनीहरूका मागअनुसार सोरठी, मारुनी र कौरा नाच देखाइन्छ ।
मकैको खोस्टाबाट बनाइएको चकटी, टोपी, मौसमी तरकारी एवं फलफूल र घिउ पस्लाङका कोसेली ।
कसरी पुग्ने: काठमाडौं–गोरखा १४२ किलोमिटर, बसमा ५ घण्टा । गोरखा बजारबाट ३ कि.मि. पश्चिममा पस्लाङ गाउँ । गाउँसम्मै मोटर बाटो जोडिएको छ, बजारबाट हिँडेर जाँदा ३० मिनेट लाग्छ ।
डिनर, बेड र बे्रकफास्टको ८०० रुपैयाँ ।
The word ‘Paslang’ is a Magar language translated to ‘hidden village’. There are 80 houses of Magar, Newar, Bahun, Chhetri, Shahi and Dalit communities. Paslang (1,200 m) is located in Gorkha Municipality-5. Only 30 of them belong to Magar.
There are settlements at the foot of the Gorkha palace of King Prithvinarayan Shah, the hero of Nepal’s unification. It is easy to visit Gorakhkali temples, palaces, museums and Gorkha bazaars from here. An hour’s walk from the village leads to Gorakhkali.
There is a clean atmosphere in the village. Mountains like Annapurna, Manaslu and Buddha can be observed from the village. The Daraundi field below the village is eye-catching.
In addition village has a space where petty Kings used to gather during chaubise rajya including Dravya Shah’s Chautaro, View Tower, Children’s Park, Khadga Devi, Namrun and Paschimkali temples.
Homestay has been launched in the village in support with Gorkha Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 26th June, 2012. At present there are 18 houses are running homestay that has 60 beds. Guests are warmly welcomed and served organic food. Sorathi, Maruni and Kaura dances are performed as per their demand.
Maize husks chakati, caps, seasonal vegetables, fruits and ghee can be taken as souvenir.
How to reach : Kathmandu-Gorkha is 142 kilometers, 5 hours by bus. Paslang village lies 3 km west of Gorkha Bazaar. There is a motor road connected to the village, it takes 30 minutes to walk from the market.
Nrs 800 for dinner, bed and breakfast.
पस्लाङ सामुदायिक होमस्टे
पस्लाङ, गोरखा
मानबहादुर राना मगर–९८१३६१०८८५
लोकबहादुर थापा–९८०३१६७२५१
Paslang Community Homestay
Paslang, Gorkha
Man Bahadur Rana Magar-9813610885
Lok Bahadur Thapa-9803167251