हिमालको उज्यालोमा झलमल्ल गाउँ–ताङतिङ । मादी गाउँपालिका–२, कास्कीको पहाडी गाउँ (१,६६५ मिटर)मा गुरुङ र दलितका २०० घर छन् ।
प्रकृति र गुरुङ संस्कृतिको सङ्गम ताङतिङ आकर्षक छ । ढुङ्गा र टिनका छाना भएका चिटिक्क घरहरू । झुरुप्प सुन्दर बस्ती । हिमालजस्तै उज्याला र सहयोगी गाउँले ।
ताङतिङबाट अन्नपूर्ण चौथो, अन्नपूर्ण दोस्रो र लमजुङ हिमाल छर्लङ्ग देखिन्छन् । पारिपट्टि सिक्लेस गाउँको सिरानीमा हिमाल मुस्कुराउँछन् । ताङतिङमा बसेर त्यो दृश्यमा रमाउँदा आनन्द मिल्छ ।
गाउँको स्वच्छ हावापानी र ग्रामीण जीवनशैलीले मोहनी लगाउँछ । अर्को कुरा, ताङतिङ ग्रामीण पर्यटनको नमुना गन्तव्य त हुँदै हो, यसलाई केन्द्र मानेर धेरैतिर हाइकिङ र टे«किङ समेत गर्न सकिन्छ ।
गुरुङ भाषामा ताङतिङलाई ‘तोनी नासा’ भनिन्छ । ‘तोंउ’ भनेको ‘रमाइलो’ र ‘नासा’ भनेको ‘गाउँ’ । यसरी ताङतिङ ‘रमाइलो गाउँ’ हो । चाँदीझैं टल्किने हिमाल र फरासिला गाउँलेका कारण ताङतिङ सधैं रमाइलो हुन्छ ।
ताङतिङमा सडक सञ्जाल, विद्यालय, खानेपानी, बिजुली, टेलिफोन, इन्टरनेट, होटल, होमस्टेजस्ता आधारभूत सुविधा छ । गाउँका १४ घरमा होमस्टे सुविधा छ भने ७ वटा होटल छन् ।
विसं २०६८ पुस ४ गते सुरु भएको होमस्टेमा १०० बेड छ । पाहुनालाई लोकल परिकार खुवाइन्छ । अनि उनीहरूको मागअनुसार साँझ सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम देखाइन्छ । घाटु र लोकगीतमा नाचगान गरिन्छ ।
ऊनी चकटी, भाँग्रा, मह र सिजनेवल तकारी ताङतिङका कोसेली ।
कसरी पुग्ने: काठमाडौं–पोखरा २०० कि.मि., गाडीमा ६ घन्टा । अथवा काठमाडौं–पोखरा २५ मिनेट हवाइयात्रा । पोखराको काहुँखोलादेखि ताङतिङ २१ कि.मि. । काहुँखोलामा ताङतिङ जाने बस र जीप पाइन्छन् ।
डिनर, बेड र ब्रेकफास्टको १००० रुपैयाँ ।
Tangting is a shining village by the Himalayas is situated at an elevation of 1665 m above the sea level. The mountain village has 200 households of Gurungs and Dalits community in Madi Rural Municipality-2, Kaski district.
The confluence of nature and Gurung culture is fascinating. The village has beautiful houses with stone and tin roofs with closely-knitted settlement. The people are as bright as himalayas, cooperative and supportive in behaviour.
Annapurna IV, Annapurna II and Lamjung Himal are clearly visible from the village. Snow-clad mountain smiles at top of the Sikles village on the other side. It is immense pleasure to enjoy the great view from Tangting.
The clean air and rural lifestyle is captivating. Tangting is a exemplary destination of rural tourism. It can be considered as a center for hiking and it connect to many trekking routes as well.
Tangting is called ‘Toni Nasa’ in Gurung language. ‘Tonu’ is translated as ‘fun’ and ‘nasa’ as ‘village’. Thus, meaning of Tangting is a ‘fun village’. Tangting is always always fun because of the mountains and open-hearted community that shines like silver.
Tangting has basic facilities like road network, school, drinking water, electricity, telephone, internet, and hotel. The village has homestay facility in 14 houses and 7 hotels.
The homestay came into operation on December 19, 2011. It has 100 beds and guests are served with local dishes. Evening cultural programs are shown on request. Ghatu and folk songs are performed in the cultural program.
Woolen Chakti, Bhangra, Honey and Seasonal vegetable can be taken as souvenir from Tangting.
How to reach : Bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara covering 200 km takes 6 hours . The Kathmandu-Pokhara flight takes 25 minutes . The distance between Pokhara to Tangting is 21 km . The buses and Jeep depart from Kahunkhola to Tangting .
Nrs 1000 for dinner, bed and breakfast.
ताङतिङ सामुदायिक होमस्टे
ताङतिङ, कास्की
पसमाया गुरुङ–९८४६२९३०३६
पूर्णसुबा गुरुङ–९८४६४४९०९५
Tangting Community Homestay
Tangting, Kaski
Pasmaya Gurung- 9846293036
Purnasuba Gurung- 9846449095